Three Keys of Website Planning

Three Keys of Website Planning

Table of Contents

Effective website planning is essential for building a successful online presence. This content overview will provide an overview of the four key components of website planning: site maps, website domains, website hosting, and website design. Included is our Website Planning Guide which will overview this information and provide you space to establish your own components in website planning.

By understanding and incorporating these four key components—site maps, website domains, website hosting, and website design—into your website planning process, you will be equipped with the necessary knowledge and tools to create a successful and impactful online presence.

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Site Map Development

Creating a well-structured and organized website is crucial for a seamless user experience and optimal search engine optimization (SEO). Utilize our Site Map Planner and Site Map Example to develop your own Site Map.

What is a Site Map?

A site map, also known as a sitemap, is a hierarchical or structured list of pages that make up a website. It acts as a blueprint, outlining the structure and organization of a website’s content, including its pages, sections, and links. A site map can be presented in various formats, such as an XML file for search engines or a visual representation for users.

Site Maps are beneficial in a number of ways that include:

  • Improved User Experience: Site maps enhance user experience by providing a clear overview of a website’s structure. Users can easily find the information they seek, leading to reduced bounce rates, increased engagement, and improved satisfaction.
  • Enhanced Navigation: Site maps serve as a navigation aid, offering users an alternative way to explore a website. They can quickly locate specific pages, understand the relationships between different sections, and navigate to desired content seamlessly.
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Site maps play a crucial role in SEO. By providing search engines with a comprehensive overview of a website’s pages and their relationships, site maps help search engine crawlers index and understand the content more efficiently. This can lead to improved visibility and higher rankings in search engine results.
  • Indexing of Complex Websites: Large websites with numerous pages, complex structures, or dynamic content may pose challenges for search engine crawlers. Site maps enable search engines to discover and index all relevant pages, ensuring that no valuable content goes unnoticed.
  • Mobile-Friendly Design: With the growing prominence of mobile devices, site maps aid in responsive web design by assisting in the adaptation of website structures for smaller screens. Mobile site maps provide an optimized experience for users on smartphones and tablets.

Develop a Site Map in 5 Steps

Following this 5-step process and using out Site Map Planner along with the Site Map Example you will be able to formulate your own site map. This will make your life a lot easier when you step further into developing your website and any designer you work with will appreciate the work you’ve put in.

Step 1: Content Inventory

Start by conducting a comprehensive content inventory. List all the pages, sections, and subsections of your website, including any hidden or orphaned pages.

Step 2: Hierarchical Structure

Organize your content into a hierarchical structure. Identify the main categories or sections and determine their relationships. This will help you establish the logical flow and navigation paths within your site map.

Step 3: Visual Representation

Create a visual representation of your site map. This could be a tree diagram, flowchart, or any other format that suits your needs. Visualizing the site map will help you identify any gaps, redundancies, or areas that require restructuring.

Step 4: XML Site Map

If you intend to improve your website’s SEO, consider creating an XML site map. This format allows search engines to efficiently crawl and index your website’s pages. Several tools and plugins are available to assist in generating XML site maps automatically.

Step 5: User-Friendly Site Map

Alongside the XML site map, provide a user-friendly site map on your website. This can be a dedicated page that lists and categorizes all the pages, or it can be integrated into the footer or navigation menu. Ensure it is easy to navigate and accessible from every page.

Website Domains

When embarking on your search for domain names, you’ll inevitably encounter numerous ads and businesses vying to sell you domains. We understand the overwhelming nature of this process. We are aware that some companies attempt to take advantage of small business owners, which is why we offer these informative classes.

Many hosting companies and platforms offer domain hosting services in conjunction with website hosting. In the spirit of transparency, we prefer, which provides the option to create up to 5 forwarding “dummy” email addresses that redirect messages to a private email address of your choice.

If you happen to select a domain name that is already registered by another business, you may consider reaching out to inquire about purchasing the domain. However, it’s important to note that certain individuals may demand inflated prices for specific domain names. Our recommendation is to either select a different domain name or explore alternative extensions such as .org, .biz, or .co to set yourself apart.

Irrespective of how you acquire your domain name, remember that you will utilize the Domain Name System (DNS) settings associated with your domain host to set up email services and connect to your hosting provider. Essentially, your domain acts as a pointer to the location where your website design is hosted and facilitates the connection of email services like GSuite to your domain name. If you are already using GSuite, consider as your domain hosting platform.

Domain costs typically range from $12 to $20 per year, depending on availability, and whether you opt to secure and protect your personal information as the domain owner. If someone else already owns the domain, they have the right to determine the price based on their perceived value of the name to you. Unfortunately, some individuals exploit this situation and charge exorbitant fees. Therefore, if you have a specific domain name in mind, it is advisable to promptly purchase it.

Regardless of where you acquire your domain name, ensure that you are listed as the rightful owner. If an agency acquires the domain on your behalf, they must list you as the owner, enabling you to claim ownership in case any issues arise. Always request proof that this step has been taken to safeguard your interests.

Claiming Your Domain Name

Use Google Domains – Get a new domain to search for available website domains and even to purchase a domain.

Website Hosting

When it comes to hosting services, there is a wide range of options available. If you prefer to have control over your hosting, we highly recommend Siteground. It provides excellent support, a user-friendly interface, and all at an affordable price. Another option for simplicity is any service that utilizes cPanel, although it requires some familiarity with complex systems.

All In One Solutions

Many small business owners who manage their own websites often choose all-in-one packages or platforms that offer easy control. Platforms like Wix, Squarespace, and others provide simple but limited templating systems, making them suitable for those on a tight budget who want to quickly launch a website. While templates have their place, businesses aiming to scale, grow, or take a more serious approach to web development will find better options for design and hosting outside of the all-in-one packages.

Shared Server Solutions

Siteground and other platforms offer packages that include shared server solutions, where your website shares server space with others, and you purchase a specific amount of space and bandwidth. For those willing to invest more, dedicated servers are available. Agencies or web developers can even have large dedicated servers exclusively for their clients. This level of control allows agencies to optimize server resources, ensure fast speeds, and isolate any potential issues on the platform.

Secure and Dedicated Servers

Depending on the size of your company or the amount of traffic you receive, you may want to consider investing in more secure and dedicated servers, as they can enhance overall security. Regardless of the design platform you choose, implementing proper security measures is crucial, as online attacks are inevitable. If you think spam is annoying, imagine having to explain to your customers that their credit card information was compromised through your website.

Hosting Companies Worth Considering

  • Crocweb
  • SiteGround* (Recommended for beginners)
  • HostGator
  • Cloudways* (Recommended for agencies)
  • WP Engine
  • GoDaddy
  • Squarespace
  • Wix
  • Bluehost

Hosting fees can vary significantly, ranging from $3 per month to $100 per month or more, depending on various factors. Some agencies prefer to host websites using their own dedicated servers and backend managers. Backend managers ensure optimal performance, speed optimization, and the installation of a range of tools to enhance the website’s functionality.

Website Design

As with all three of these core sections of web development there are so many different platforms to choose from for website design. Right off the bat we’re going to recommend WordPress because this is the most popular choice platform when developing websites. WordPress hosting ⅓ of all websites in existence and no other platform comes even close to pulling the share of designs. There are entire industries that revolve around making wordpress websites, plugins/add ons, themes, and more.

Among some other popular website design choices are Joomla, Drupal, Magento, Shopify, Wix, Squarespace, GoDaddy, and some others that I am probably missing. For most companies growing to scale they will go with WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, or Magento as they allow for the most customization even if professionals need to be hired to perform the work. Also knowing that you own every part of your website is super important whereas the all-in-one platforms will shut everything down and keep the files when you leave.

If you’re not knowledgeable about website design at all and don’t want to dive into the research of different platforms then it might be wise to choose an all-in-one platform to get something live and have an example that you might be able to show a designer later, but understand that some serious work will go into your website design and development. This is the online hub for your business and it should be working for you by bringing you in leads.

Should You Do It Yourself or Hire a Professional?

Having a well-designed website is crucial for businesses and individuals alike. However, when it comes to creating a website, an important decision arises: Should you tackle the design yourself or invest in professional help? Let’s explore the factors to consider when deciding whether to design a website yourself or hire a professional, helping you make an informed choice that aligns with your goals and resources.

Skill and Expertise

Designing a website yourself requires a certain level of technical skill and expertise. Consider your familiarity with web design principles, coding languages, and graphic design. If you have a solid understanding and experience in these areas, you may be capable of creating a visually appealing and functional website on your own. On the other hand, if you lack the necessary skills, hiring a professional ensures that your website is crafted by someone with expertise and a thorough understanding of design best practices.

Time and Availability

Building a website can be time-consuming, particularly if you’re starting from scratch and have limited experience. Designing and developing a website involves planning, content creation, layout design, coding, testing, and ongoing maintenance. Assess your availability and commitments. If you can devote sufficient time to the website creation process, doing it yourself can be a rewarding and cost-effective option. However, if your schedule is tight or if you prefer to focus on other aspects of your business or project, delegating the task to a professional can save you valuable time and ensure a timely completion.


Consider your budgetary constraints. Building a website yourself can be cost-effective, especially if you opt for free or low-cost website builders and templates. However, keep in mind that advanced functionalities, custom designs, and additional features may require paid plugins or professional assistance. Hiring a web designer or agency involves an upfront cost, but it can lead to a polished and customized website tailored to your specific needs. Evaluate your budget and determine the level of investment you’re willing to make.

Customization and Uniqueness

If you have a clear vision and unique branding requirements, working with a professional web designer can bring your ideas to life. Designers have the expertise to create custom designs that align with your brand identity, ensuring a distinctive and memorable online presence. Conversely, DIY website builders often offer pre-designed templates with limited customization options. Consider the level of uniqueness and customization you require for your website, and choose the approach that best suits your needs.

Technical Support and Maintenance

Building a website is not a one-time task; it requires ongoing maintenance and updates. Consider your technical abilities and willingness to handle website maintenance, security, and troubleshooting. Hiring a professional often comes with added benefits, such as ongoing support and maintenance packages. Professionals can handle technical aspects, security measures, and future updates, freeing you from the responsibility and allowing you to focus on other aspects of your business.

Deciding whether to design a website yourself or hire a professional depends on several factors, including your skills, availability, budget, customization needs, and long-term maintenance requirements. Assess your abilities, resources, and goals to make an informed decision. If you possess the necessary skills, time, and resources, building a website yourself can be a rewarding endeavor. However, if you require a high level of customization, lack technical expertise, or prefer to focus on your core responsibilities, investing in professional web design services can ensure a polished, functional, and unique online presence.

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